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Chaos has several different meanings. It can mean complete disorder and confusion. Or a total lack of organization or order

That’s not our meaning of chaos. Our meaning of chaos is more than that. One would assume chaos is a negative term. But we embrace it with every day. Being able to talk all night about anything and everything. From random to the deepest darkest. Open and honest. It flows smoothly. Someone that supports your dreams and ambitions as if they were your own. So in turn, it’s easy to do the same for them in return. To love deeply and unconditionally with every ounce. And they love you back. But it’s not just the love and everything that goes with it. Don’t get me wrong. That’s what everyone searches for, right? This is where it goes beyond the chaos. We are able to work together. Share ideas, compare notes and experiences. Wanting to grow, not only as one or the business but everything. And grow it together. We have found our chaos. It took a long time but it was worth the wait. Life has showed us what we both didn’t want in the past. We always had a picture of what we wanted. It wasn’t a fairy tale, but at times it seemed so far off that it might as well be. But it’s every day, we get to wake up each morning to a new day and a new experience, never knowing what it may hold. We embrace our chaotic compass…

This is our story. Thank you for reading!
