Looking at the past
So it's almost 730am. Kids have been stirring for almost an hour. And I realized what today was. March 3rd.
This day doesn't strike with the same amount of pain as it once did. I actually had almost for what today was until I looked at my Memories on Facebook.
I have been doing a Start Today Journal with my girl, Rachel Hollis. The journal get you to write down 5-10-1. 5 blessings from today, 10 goals (but writing them as if you have already achieved them), then selecting 1 of those goal and GO ALL IN. It might sound difficult to even write goals down as if they have already happened, but Rachel explains that in the journal and here. Where will you be 10 years from now? Write it down. How does it feel? What are you doing? What's your career? What's your car? Now push it further? Money is no limit. Where do you really want to be in 10 years?
It made me think of where I was 10 years ago. Just take this trip with me for a little bit y'all. It was 2009. I had a pudgy little almost 6 month daughter.
Yes, she had no hair and I'm not sure what I was doing with my hair. I was married and we had a house together in Williamsburg. I was an administrative assistant at a real estate company in Yorktown and my husband was in IT at a physical therapist office. We didn't make much and we were barely making it. The recession was full blow. I had been pulled from my position in residential and stuck in commercial real estate. My pay hadn't been cut but I wasn't going to going anywhere anytime soon. Credit cards were how we got by. We floated debt like the Titanic.
Fast forward 5 years. 2014. I had divorced from my first husband, remarried and had had another child.
had gotten my real estate license and was doing decent. But on this day, 2014, I found out my husband of less than a year was cheating on me. My world fell apart. I had to quit my career in real estate because it only commission. I knew I wouldn't be able to support my two children like that. I had no money, no job, and felt like the biggest failure in the world.
I write this to not seek sympathy. But to show my growth. I am a project manager for a well known local builder. I am in love with my amazing boyfriend of almost three and half years.
I'm moving forward with goals and dreams. And I feel that all of the past happens for a reason.
Not saying that the past 5 years have been all sunshine and rainbows. There has been a lot of pain and growth and lessons learned. But here I am. Which brings me to the point. The past happened. I have grown so much from that new mom, admin assistant that I was 10 years ago. But my story doesn't stop here. Where do I go from here? What do I want in the next 10 years? 20 years? What's next? Anything! I'm excited to continue to grow and learn and do this crazy thing called life.